Thursday, September 5, 2013

Midnight Madness 2013
Its time again ladies!! 
Friday October 18th
Dinner and will be offered from 6-8pm, we will be asking for help with the food so watch
for the sign up sheets in Relief Society.
We are offering a list of classes this year as well as our projects
Intro to painting at 4:00 (for those of you that
are super jealous of the awesome painting
on the wood projects, come get help before you start)
Jewelry making 5:30 and 8:30
Pie Crust making at 5:00
Indoor Gardening at 7:30
Scripture Study Ideas 9:30
And dont forget our Dessert Table, Please bring one of your favorite treats or snacks to share with everyone, its going to be a long night and we dont want anyone to go hungry...
Good Luck with your desisions!
Fishtail Bracelets
we will have a variety of colors for you to mix and match.
Cost $.50 each
Braided Heabands
 we will have a variety of colors for you to chose from.
Cost $2.00 each
Mason Lid Pumpkin
Cost $10.00
Christmas trees
We will have gold, red, and blue paint to chose from,
or bring your own color.
Big tree $10.25
Small tree $9.75
Painted Mason Jars
we will provide the colors shown.
Floral not included
Cost $.75
Vase and Wraps
We have a large jar and a small jar you may chose from.
We only have 7 large ones as they where on sale (thats why they are so cheap).
Large Vase Cost $10.00
Small Vase Cost $13.75
Christmas Wrap $3.25
(shown on the big vase)
Halloween Wrap Cost $1.80
(shown on the small vase)
We are usuing cookie cutters to stencil, so if you have a cute
shape you would like to use please feel free to bring it.
Fall Wrap Cost $2.95
(Shown on the small vase)
Fourth of July Wrap cost $3.25
(shown on the big vase)
Big Letter
We will be modge podging your marriage certificate, birth Certificate or any other certificate you want, to the letter.  You must bring a copy of the certificate with you printed on a paper.  I used a transparent vellum.
Cost $12.00
Pumpkin Cans
Bring your own can or any size
Cost $ 1.00
Build your own Scrabble Wall
I did an example here, but you can do as many letters as
 you would like.  Just map it out like a scrabble board and hang it up on the wall. 
Cost $.85 per tile
Cost $8.75
Be Blocks
President Hinkleys "BE'S" There are 3 blocks.
Cost $10.00
Harry Potter Halloween Books
Cost $9.50
Puppet Theater
Cost $13.00
Hanging Basket Stand
Basket not included
Cost $12.00
Pumpkin Wreath
Cost $20.00